Viewing Employees
From the Main Toolbar go to Employees
Expose available Schedules from the dropdown selector shown below
Employees will appear grouped with schedules / locations where they are able to work
In addition to their one Primary location / schedule, and any number of additional Working locations / schedules.The icon above indicates the displayed location is an Additional working location for the employee (as opposed to employee's Primary identity)
Configuring Employee's Primary / Working Locations
- Press the EDIT (pencil icon) to the right of the name of the employee. This will bring you to the employee's profile.
- Navigate to the Schedules / Roles tab of the employee's profile. Check one Primary and any number of additional Working schedules.
Working Location Quick-Add / Remove
- From the Employees Page, display the schedule you want to add an employee to, and press Add Existing Employee.
- From the Dropdown list, find the employee from their Primary location, and check the box to the left of their name to add.
Quick Add / Remove from a location can also be taken from the Schedule (sorted in the By Employee schedule type)
Adding Roles to Employee
- From the employee's profile, click on the Schedules / Roles tab and scroll down until the Roles section is visible.
- Move any desired roles from the All Roles section into the grey Employee's Roles box.
Adding Roles to an Employee from the Schedule METHOD #1
The system disallows the copying or pasting of a shift to an employee who lacks role qualification to work that shift.
To override and qualify the employee for the role, hold down SHIFT when pasting the [new role] shift
Adding Roles to Employee from the Schedule METHOD #2
When adding or editing a shift, select the unqualified role from the role dropdown list. Then click the red - Not Qualified link, and follow the prompts.