Employee Direct Tips Share to a Pool

Using the feature described below, employees will be able to affirm or customize tips allocations to Tips Pools.  (Employee self-directed tip-out to individual employees is discussed here: https://support.dolceclock.com/help/employee-directed-tip-out)

Setup a Tips Rule- just as if tips allocations were to be fully automated. (Engage a Teamwork Specialist to assist, teamworksupport@spoton.com). In the following example, the policy suggests to Servers, a 1.5% / sales tip-out to the Bar, and. 2% tip-out to server assistants.

Engage the following checkbox to engage the function to customize the result:


  • At clock-out (if using integrated clock-in with Spoton, or the Teamwork App for clock-in / OR from an employee's mobile device), IF an employee works a Role that the rule is setup for, in this example Servers, the employee will see the Rule (Template Defaults), and can either "Apply Rule" or input a custom amount. In this case the Server overrode the suggesting with a fixed tip amount of $16.00 
  • When Running Tips, Managers can view, and edit if necessary, employee inputs. 
  • When the Template is run, the rule will only process a tip-out if an employee has actively confirmed the suggested amount, or overridden the amount. If the employee (server) does not make an active choice, then 0.00 tips will be allocated by the tips rule.


  • Employees can be listed in the tips navigator, even if their entry is zero. 
  • Tips must be run from each schedule where employee's are setup to utilize the direct share. For example, if tips are run from the Server Schedule, but there is a separate bar schedule, then the Bar Rule must be run from the Bar Schedule.  

Allocations Pools are generated per normal

To complete a day as approved, a Template which engages "Pull In Employee Direct Tip-Outs" must be run. It does not need roles to be specified. The purpose of the template is to ensure the consideration of a named-employee being tipped out a custom amount. 

Setup Note: 

Engage Feature in Schedule Settings: Gearwheel > General Settings, scroll down to schedule section. Click "+" to open any schedule with employees who will engage this feature as a direct tips earner who will tip-out the pool: