Exclude Employee from Payroll Export

You can exclude employee from payroll using one of the following methods.

From Employee's Salary / Wage Tab, Check "Exclude from Payroll Export"

NOTE: Where multiple locations or pay-groups exist, employee can be excluded from ALL pay-roups, or only select pay-groups, as shown below:

From the Payroll Report, in the event employee doesn't have a payroll ID, you can press Resolve next to their name, and Exclude from All or Current pay-groups. 

When you run the payroll report, you'll be warned about any employees who are excluded from the payroll output.

To re-add an employee to the payroll export, you can quick-add as shown below from the payroll report, or uncheck the exclusion from the employee's wage tab. 

NOTE: If the motivation for excluding employee from the payroll output is because they are Salary, not Hourly, please set them as a Salary employee, and you will not need to apply an exclusion. Even if you don't enter actual salaries for tracking, you can configure an employee as Salary with a zero wage. See:

Setting Salary Status: https://support.dolceclock.com/help/adding-salary-wages

Excluding Salary employee from time-keeping: https://support.dolceclock.com/help/auto-time-punch-for-salary