Mapping Earning Codes

When utilizing Teamwork to export paydata to Gusto, it is essential to map the Teamwork earning type to the earnings codes in Gusto that you'd like that data to be associated with. This task ensures that our data points are landing in the correct columns, with the correct reporting when exporting to payroll. Teamwork has one of the most nuanced, detailed, and accurate modules for payroll mapping. See below!

  1. From the Gearwheel Menu > Payroll Mapping
  2. Under "Payroll Roles & Earnings Codes Mapping", click the Payroll Entity (as shown below)
  3. Teamwork presents the ability to map your roles to your payroll departments. The cool thing about Gusto, is you don't need to map them! Whatever role your employee worked / has hours for will carry over to. So let's focus on the section that says "Payroll Earnings Codes Mapping
  4. Correspond each earning type in the Teamwork column, with the appropriate earning code in the Gusto column, by opening the drop down menu and selecting the earning code.
    • This happens automatically for Gusto customers, but we think it's a really really good idea to double check it!
    • You may see a text warning "No Match for set Earnings Codes xxxxxx". You can ignore this if the earning time doesn't apply to you. A good example: if you're Montana, there are no tipped wages. So you wouldn't need to map this!
  5. Once complete, you're good to go! There's no save button!