Assigning Roles

Adding Roles to Employees - Two Methods (individual & bulk add)

Before adding Roles, verify employee(s) have been added to the applicable schedule(s)


To add role(s) to an individual employee

Click Employees from the main Toolbar

Press Edit button next to employee name > Click the Schedules / Roles tab

Scroll beneath schedule selector to apply roles. 

Assign Roles by dragging roles into grey box. Assign unlimited roles. 

To bulk add roles  to any / all employees

From the gearwheel menu > Roles / Group Settings

Scroll to Assign Employees to Roles

Select the Schedule and Role for your bulk qualification, and then check and uncheck names as applicable. 


If you do not see a name, then you need to go back to the initial step above, and add the employee to the applicable schedule

If an employee in the list is inactive, it is not necessary to "uncheck" their qualification