Turning On Integrated Clock-In pushes the shift in Teamwork into the POS, prompting an employee to clock-in to the correct time and role, and allows for schedule enforcement to be engaged.
See: https://support.dolceclock.com/help/spoton-integrated-clock-in for more detail on integrated functionality.
To Turn on Integrated (or turn off)
From the gearwheel menu select Point of Sale Tools
Next click Enable Integrated Clock-In

It is recommended to restart POS terminals when this function is engaged or disengaged.
Related Settings
Turn on Schedule Enforcement to control early clock-in: https://support.dolceclock.com/help/force-restriction-options-for-early-clock-in
For Compliance and Custom Prompts, please engage your Teamwork specialist to engage settings. teamworksupport@spoton.com