Setting a Mobile Device for Employee Clock In

Designate a Mobile Device (i.e. phone, ipad or other tablet)

Download Teamwork App

Find your company using your personal email address that is associated with your Teamwork profile

Log-In to the App

  1. Press Clock-In / Clock-Out from the Menu Bar
  2. Press Click Enable Clock-In on this Device
  3. Name the Station, i.e.  "Peter's Phone"
  4. Select "Full Login," or, "Quick Clock-In"
  5. Select the schedule(s),  (for employee mobile clock-in, select your own schedule) from the drop-down
  6. Press Save & Exit


1. From the Left Menu > Clock-In / Clock-Out

2. If you are scheduled for a shift, the app will show  expected Time / Location / Role.   Select Begin Shift

If you are clocking in for a DIFFERENT or UNSCHEDULED shift, select Unschedule, and choose Location / Role