Compliance Settings


Why does Semi-Monthly payroll force the use of 0.5x Overtime Reporting?
Teamwork  limits users to 0.5 overtime reporting with Semi-Monthly payroll accounting. If you use Bi-Weekly payroll, you have the choice between 0.5 and 1.5. Semi-monthly overtime calculation is complex, and proper accounting is often overlo...
California Break Rules
California Break Rules 10-Minute Break Requirements Employees must be offered one paid 10-minute rest break for a shift greater than 3.5 hours, a second break after 6 hours, and a third break after 10 hours. Upon Clock-Out, employees affirm ...
Setting Breaks Less Than a Set Time to be Paid Breaks
Gearwheel Menu > General Settings > Payroll Settings Enter a " Less than " value as shown below, and Save Payroll Options When reviewing time punches in the Daily Summary view, the " $ " symbol indicates that the break is set to Paid.  See...
Calculating Semi-Monthly Overtime
Step 1: Calculation of Overtime Overtime is considered over the course of a workweek. . In states where overtime may come from multiple measurements, ie 40 hour OT, 8 hour OT, 12 hour OT or 6-day+ consec...
Setting Spread of Hours (SOH) parameters
From the Gearwheel Menu > General Settings Under Payroll Settings, enter Spread of Hours range and penalty rate. Press  If pay-groups point to the DEFAULT payroll settings, then this section is where the update is made. If pay groups...
California Clock Out Discretionary Validations
Teamwork can be set to require employee validations of their time punch, and provide employees an opportunity to waive or not waive discretionary meal or rest breaks.  In the following example, the shift length is between 5 and 6 hours long, so the...
Break Approaching Alerts for Managers and Staff
Break Approaching Alerts In states where Meal Breaks must begin by the end of the 5th hour, i.e. California, Break Approaching warnings can be sent to managers and employees.  Managers will receive two alerts warning of an approaching break, the f...
Inputing signed waivers for California discretionary breaks
To turn on the company SETTING to allow for individual waivers:  Gearwheel Menu > General Settings > Payroll Setting In the Payroll Group that applies to California, select "Look at Employee Profile Settings" as shown below, and then press Save ...
COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster Tracking
In Teamwork, you can track an employee's COVID-19 vaccination status. Navigate to their profile from the employee list.  From their main profile, scroll down until you see "Extended Contact Information for Payroll," and the applicable COVID stat...
Split Shift Premium California
For California Split Shift, see: California Summary  (excerpts from preceding article) Split Shift Defined Workers who earn the minimum wage per hour are entitled to additional pay known as a “spli...
Labor Compliance and Time Punch Validation Overview
Break Compliance Teamwork tracks and helps to control Meal Break and Rest Break compliance.  Informing Break Start Time: Using California as an example, Teamwork advises the employee upon clock-in when the required 30-minute break must begin by ...
Time Punch Validation
Turning On Validation From the Settings page, scroll to Locations . Select the "+" next to a location/schedule to expand settings options. Check Require Employee Validation on Clock-Out,  to require employees to   validate the accuracy of t...
Partial Shift Reporting Pay California
The following summarizes requirements for California operators to assure thresholds for pay in the event a scheduled shift is cut short or called off. See: To tun on Partial Shift / Reportin...