

Logbook Overview
Create custom Logbook topics which can be applied to departments and locations, for single or multiple day-parts. Create custom Tags for filtered searches, i.e. outstanding maintenance items or incidents.  Tag employees for positive or negative com...
Logbook Pro Setup and Use
Logbook Setup From the Gearwheel Menu > Logbook Pro Settings (Requires permission levels: Admin, Location Admin, or Custom) Setup Logbook Topics (Topics will appear as Form Headings when filling out Shift Reports) Select either optio...
Logbook Setup
Logbook Setup From the Gearwheel Menu > Logbook Settings (Requires permission levels: Admin, Location Admin, or Custom) Setup Logbook Topics (Topics will appear as Form Headings when filling out Shift Reports) Select which schedules T...
Logbook Use
Logbook Use Entering Shift Notes Desktop 1. From the Schedule (where user's permission resides) clock the Logbook icon that corresponds with the applicable date 2. In the Logbook entry window, select the Day-Part 3. Enter Shift Notes un...
Logbook Troubleshooting Email Non Receipt
1. Verifying Email Addresses  Potential recipients must have verified their email address, or re-verified it it the address changes. From an employee's profile page, they can press "Email Me the Key" to create a verification email. From the ...