Updated Articles

  1. Gusto Payroll - Adding an Admin User

    From the side menu click Settings > next click the Permissions Tab When the Permission tab opens, click View Admins From the Admins page, people and permissions can be added. NOTE: Only the Primary Admin on the Gusto Account can manag...
  2. Employee Satisfaction Survey New

    Employee Satisfaction Survey On Teamwork, our satisfaction survey functions like a custom prompt that is presented to employees upon clock-out. This functionality is only available to users with Integrated clock-in stations, or clocking in and ou...
  3. Teamwork Onboarding Timeline

    Onboarding Timeline The below timeline is the preferred onboarding schedule to ensure implementation goes smoothly. It articulates the necessary meetings, checkpoints, and deliverables to make your success a certainty. Please let your implement...
  4. Resolving Tipped-Wage Payroll Warning

    If Tipped Wage Rules have been established, then Tipped Wages must be properly configured. If a Payroll Warning asks you to Resolve / Add Rule to a Tipped Wage, take the following steps. Re-enter the wage (dating to start of pay period), and be ...
  5. Updating Payment

    Go to Gearwheel Menu > Payments / Billing Delete an existing payment method using the " X " as shown below To Add a new payment method, use the Add button shown below  You will have the possibility to setup payment...
  6. Setting a Mobile Device for Employee Clock In

    Designate a Mobile Device (i.e. phone, ipad or other tablet) Download Teamwork App Find your company using your personal email address that is associated with your Teamwork profile Log-In to the App Press Clock-In / Clock-Out from the Me...
  7. Setting a Tablet as a Clock-In Device

    Set a Tablet for Clock-In (i.e. iPad or other tablet) This action must be taken by an ADMIN, or manager, who is active in Teamwork, with permissions to set a clock-in device at the intended location. Download SpotOn Teamwork Classic App O...
  8. Weighted Average Wage for Overtime Computation

    Teamwork's payroll output allocates overtime with a method consistent with FLSA overtime requirements. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/23-flsa-overtime-pay The overtime wage can be a source of confusion to both employers and ...
  9. Preparing Multi-Unit ADP Run Accounts for ADP App Marketplace

    For use of the ADP App Marketplace, a   New Username must be setup for each location / sub-account Registering a New Username in RUN In RUN go to Settings  Click Add User  Put in the name, role (Owner or Payroll Ad...
  10. How to View Tips Detail as an Employee

    Notes: Viewing tips detail requires that tips rules have been "run" by a manager.  The range of detail that is visible varies by location and tips rules.  From Desktop 1. Click Dashboard from the top toolbar 2. ...