New Articles

  1. SpotOn Teamwork Gusto Payroll Resources

    SpotOn Teamwork Gusto Payroll Resources We are glad to assist you in the transition to SpotOn Teamwork’s integration with Gusto payroll. On July 1, Gusto will be updating their API, causing the direct integration between SpotOn Restaurant point...
  2. Gusto Payroll - Adding an Admin User

    From the side menu click Settings > next click the Permissions Tab When the Permission tab opens, click View Admins From the Admins page, people and permissions can be added. NOTE: Only the Primary Admin on the Gusto Account can manager ...
  3. Employee Satisfaction Survey

    Employee Satisfaction Survey On Teamwork, our satisfaction survey functions like a custom prompt that is presented to employees upon clock-out. This functionality is only available to users with Integrated clock-in stations, or clocking in and ou...
  4. Weighted Average Wage for Overtime Computation

    Teamwork's payroll output allocates overtime with a method consistent with FLSA overtime requirements. The overtime wage can be a source of confusion to both employers and empl...
  5. How to View Tips Detail as an Employee

    Notes: Viewing tips detail requires that tips rules have been "run" by a manager.  The range of detail that is visible varies by location and tips rules.  From Desktop 1. Click Dashboard from the top toolbar 2. Scroll to My Clock-I...
  6. Employee List Bulk Actions

    This article will contain instructional guides on essential bulk functions in Teamwork! Moving employees from one schedule to another en masse Assigning / un-assigning roles from employees en masse Working Location Quick-Add / Remove Fro...
  7. Adding ADP Wisely Integration to Teamwork

    To Connect Wisely to Teamwork, please take the following actions: 1. Create a Wisely Account with ADP / Wisely.  2. Wisely needs to generate API credentials for partner integrations, and then  provide Teamwork with the following document. (Please ...
  8. Setting a Tablet as a Clock-In Device

    Set a Tablet for Clock-In (i.e. iPad or other tablet) This action must be taken by an ADMIN, or manager, who is active in Teamwork, with permissions to set a clock-in device at the intended location. Download SpotOn Teamwork Classic App O...
  9. Customizing Late, No Show, Termination Reasons

    Customizing Late, No Show, Termination Reasons In Teamwork you can create custom reasons for when an employee is late, no shows a shift, or is terminated. There are stock reasons that come standard in every account, but there may be scenarios where...
  10. Employee View Tips Detail and Self Directed Tips

    From Mobile Click Dashboard / Clock-Ins / Tips From Desktop Click DASHBOARD from the top toolbar Scroll to Tips Set date to the pay period of interest Click Date for Tips Detail, i.e. Dec 11, 2023 shown below The Green D...