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  1. Paid Breaks Setup

    Adding paid break options involves engaging Custom Breaks in general settings, and configuring roles that can use the custom break types. Gearwheel Menu > General Settings > Scroll to Other Settings Check the the following option, SAVE, and logi...
  2. Overtime Premium - Understanding Overtime Analytics

    Teamwork shows employers the cost of using an Overtime Hour vs a Regular Hour as a distinguished metric from using more or fewer total hours than expected.  See below: the business used 18 hours of overtime, with a payroll cost of $195.00. The c...
  3. Clock-In to Teamwork App on Mobile Phone

    Enable Phone for Clock-In (Requires Permission from a System Administrator). See:  https://support.dolceclock.com/help/setting-a-mobile-device-for-employee-clock-in Launch SpotOn Teamwork Classic App From the Left Menu > Clock-In / Clock-Out ...
  4. Integrated Clock In for Spoton RPOS - Turning On or Off

    Turning On Integrated Clock-In pushes the shift in Teamwork into the POS, prompting an employee to clock-in to the correct time and role, and allows for schedule enforcement to be engaged. See:  https://support.dolceclock.com/help/spoton-integrat...