This feature is NOT recommended unless a company has a union or other contract where the automated addition of a break is contractually agreed to between a business and its employees. To engage automated breaks, take the following steps: 1. In th...
From within the Employee Profile, the "Manager Notes" tab allows for free-form entry that is not visible to the employee. You can leave notes on how well they've done, any issues that need to be logged, etc. Additionally, any tagged logbook notes, ...
Teamwork provides functionality to handle Contractor / 1099 employees. This include functionality to exclude from overtime, as well as unique payroll reporting options specifically for contractors. Step #1: Designate Contractor Status Navigate to...
From the Gear Menu, go to Blackout Request-Off Dates: Choose the Departments that the block applies to: Choose dates to block, and press Add Range NOTE: The Block Action dropdown allows you to Allow Requests with Comments , (e...
Set a Tablet for Clock-In (i.e. iPad or other tablet) This action must be taken by an ADMIN, or manager, who is active in Teamwork, with permissions to set a clock-in device at the intended location. Download SpotOn Teamwork Classic App O...
Last Updated: 03/19/2024
in Employee Resources
Notes: Viewing tips detail requires that tips rules have been "run" by a manager. The range of detail that is visible varies by location and tips rules. From Desktop 1. Click Dashboard from the top toolbar 2. Scroll to My Clock-I...
Last Updated: 10/04/2023
in Time and Attendance
Check the Publish checkbox to publish an individual schedule, or use the Global Publish to publish multiple schedules simultaneously, as shown below. Notes: After a schedule has been published, changes to the schedule are tracked. Employees ...
From the Gear Menu, go to Blackout Request-Off Dates: Choose the Departments that the block applies to: Choose dates to block, and press Add Range NOTE: The Block Action dropdown allows you to Allow Requests with Comments , (e...
Employee Satisfaction Survey On Teamwork, our satisfaction survey functions like a custom prompt that is presented to employees upon clock-out. This functionality is only available to users with Integrated clock-in stations, or clocking in and ou...